The Best Bedtime Routine to Help You Sleep Better

older man sleeping peacefully in bed

When you have a good night and a good night's sleep, you're more likely to have a good day. Setting up a nighttime routine can be extremely beneficial, especially if you find yourself constantly struggling to fall asleep.

As you continue to do the same activities before bed each night, you'll start to train your brain that those activities are precursors to sleeping. This can help relieve some stress and anxiety associated with the day or week ahead as well as help your body and mind relax before bed.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating healthy in general can help encourage healthier sleeping patterns. There are some foods that can further enhance the quality of your sleep because they contain specific sleep-promoting properties. Some of these foods include almonds, walnuts, turkey, kiwis, fatty fish, and white rice.

Plan Ahead

Plan out your week or even just the very next day. Writing down a quick to-do list can help sort out your thoughts and help reduce anxiety about any upcoming tasks or events. You can even try journaling to let out your feelings before going to bed.

If you're one to bring lunches or snacks to work, prepare them the night before so you're not rushing to make them in the morning. You can even prepare your breakfast at the same time. This can help to relieve stress and allow your mornings to go just a little bit smoother.

Decide on a Set Bedtime

Setting a bedtime and sticking to it can help train your brain to naturally feel tired around the same time every night. Forming a bedtime routine can help make that process more effective by further helping you to wind down and get ready for sleep. Set a bedtime that works for you, and aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

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Turn Off the Electronics

Studies have shown that blue light can negatively affect your circadian rhythm, making it harder for you to fall asleep. Turn off your computer, tv, and avoid scrolling through your phone a few hours before your bedtime. This will help better prepare both your body and mind for sleep.

Make Time to Relax

Making time to relax can help relieve both mental and physical tension. This can range from practicing meditation to taking a warm bath. Do whatever helps you relax. Avoid doing strenuous or stressful activities.

Prepare Your Room

Prepare your room so that you feel relaxed and ready for bed. This can be ensuring all the lights are turned off, making sure the temperature is just right, or even turning on white noise to help you sleep. It can also help to put things away and remove any clutter to really make it feel like sleeping is the only priority in the room.

Get in Bed Early

Getting in bed earlier than your set bedtime will allow you more time to get comfortable and relax before falling asleep. You can sit down with one of your favorite books or just kick your feet up and let your mind wander. Doing it consistently may help you to fall asleep faster and easier as the weeks go on.


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