World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

With World Mental Health Day coming up on October 10th, I decided to take part in it by sharing some mental health tips. With everything that's been going on lately in the world, I want to make sure that you're keeping your mental health as a top priority.

Here are a few tips:

Get A Good Night's Sleep

Getting a good night's sleep is important, not only for your physical health but your mental health too. Sleep is the fuel your brain needs in order to function properly. Not getting enough sleep can lead to brain fog, mood changes, behavior changes, or even stress throughout your day.

It's important to try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night to keep your brain (and your body) healthy.

Eat Breakfast

Eating a healthy breakfast can help improve your mood and boost your performance throughout the day. It impacts your cognitive function, making it easier to concentrate and remember things while also providing your body with much-needed energy.

When it comes to boosting your brain power, you want to make sure you're eating foods that are high in proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. Consider adding some of these foods to your breakfast: berries, leafy greens, eggs, nuts, and avocados.

Set Daily Goals

Setting daily goals can help give you a sense of direction and alleviate some stress. The number one thing to remember is to set attainable goals. You don't want to set unrealistic expectations for yourself as it may end up making you feel worse. Instead, be sure to understand your limits and start small.

A daily goal can be something as simple as eating a healthier breakfast, reading a few more pages of a book, or exercising for 10 minutes. Goals aren't meant to cause more stress or worry to your day. Be sure to create a goal that you're excited about and happy to achieve.


Spending time with friends is extremely important for your mental health. Participating in social activities or building social networks can greatly improve some of your brain's cognitive functions. Socializing can also help reduce feelings of loneliness and anxiety and help keep your brain active.

If you're not necessarily a social butterfly, that's okay! Participating in occasional social activity is all you need to reap the mental health benefits. Socializing can be as simple as calling a friend or family member on the phone, having dinner with your loved one(s), or participating in an exercise class.

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