4 Gardening Tips For National Gardening Day

4 Gardening Tips For National Gardening Day

National Gardening Day is recognized each year on April 14th. Gardening is a fun and relaxing hobby enjoyed by many. This day is perfect for encouraging people to pick up this hobby and try something new! 

Here are 4 Top Tips to help you get started on your gardening journey:

1. Location

The location of your garden is super important! You want to pick a location that you will see regularly. This way, you will know when your garden needs a little extra attention, and you may be more likely to spend more time working on it.

2. Stay Close to Water 
Plant your garden close to a hose so that you can easily water the garden. Lugging a watering can back and forth can be a lot of work every time your plants get thirsty. One of the best ways to tell if you need to water your plant is by checking its soil. If you put a finger about an inch down in the soil and it's dry, it is time to water that plant. 

3. Plan For Frost
Plan for Frost
It is better to plan ahead. Plan for when frosts are expected to occur so you can cover your plants or move them indoors before the cold damages them. You should also check these dates to determine when you should plant, to make sure they will be able to bloom and grow during that season. 

4. Choose the Right Plants
Right Plants
The location of the garden is important, but the type of plant is even more important. Make sure to choose plants based on the location of your garden. The plants that love the sun need to be in a sunny spot, while the plants that don't need as much sun shouldn't be there. Be sure to also consider how big the plants will grow, especially with fruits and veggies, you need to give them enough space around each other to fully grow.

We hope you have a Happy National Gardening Day! Be sure to share pictures of your gardens with us, and let us know what your favorite tips are!

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