4 Prime Rib Dishes to Make With Leftovers

4 Prime Rib Dishes to Make With Leftovers

National Prime Rib Day occurs each year on April 27th. Prime Rib is an extravagance and a celebratory dish. Prime Rib is delicious to eat, and sometimes there are no leftovers the next day. But, if you do have some leftovers and are looking for ways to creatively turn them into different dishes, check out the recipes below. 

These recipes are perfect for having Prime Rib the next day as well! 

1. Roast Beef Hash
Roast Beef Hash
The roast beef hash is one of the oldest comfort foods ever. The finger-licking dish made from the prime ribs is just ravishing. All you have to do is take the leftover ribs, add mushrooms, bell peppers, russet potatoes, onions, parsley, and some leftover gravy. Mix everything and let your taste buds explore the magic of these hashes! This is the simplest yet most in-demand dish for all prime rib lovers!

2. Puff Pastry Pot Pies
Puff Pastry
These puff pastry pot pies are just delicious! Just take your puff pastry, and stuff it with leftover prime rib, and some veggies as well. The flaky pastry, and the tender prime rib is something you will definitely have to try out!  

3. Supreme Shepard's Pie
Shepard's Pie
This one is perfect if you still have leftovers from the night before! Simply add the prime rib and mashed potatoes into a small dish and bake. This warm and delicious Shepard's pie is the perfect spin to the next night's dinner.

4. Prime Rib Pizza
Prime Rib Pizza
If you have leftover prime rib and veggies, this prime rib pizza could be a great next-day meal for you. Simply add the prime rib and veggies to a pizza crust, and drizzle sour cream and horseradish as the sauce. Taste an amazing prime rib dinner, in one pizza slice! 

Let us know what dishes are your favorite, and how you are celebrating National Prime Rib Day!

Also, don't forget, Prime Rib is high in purines. Foods high in purines, can lead to a build up of uric acid, which can eventually lead to the formation of uric acid crystals. You can learn more about Lifetones Uric Acid Support here, and learn how it can cleanse your uric acid, naturally! 

Recipes From: All Recipes

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